Be gracious after reading how our fans and state is being trashed by the OU losers!!!! Go back to your board and talk that gracious crap you land...
The situation with USC is starting to remind me of the hatred felt by Tiger fans towards Notre Dame after they screwed us out of the Cotton Bowl...
Being in the night club business for 25 years and experiencing some near riots, I really think the cops did an ok job. Who has time to have a beta...
Thanks for the info.
Does anyone know who sells road game packages?
Pushed wrong button 5. L.S.U vs Ole Miss 1961 6. L.S.U VS OLE MISS 1964 7. WATCH SHAQ PLAY 8. L.S.U. defeat Memphis State in Dale Brown's...
1. 1997 Florida Game 2. Watch Pete Maravich Play 3. 1971 Notre Dame Game 4. 1979 So Cal Game
The problem with the anti-war movement is that they are on the wrong side of history. From Neville Chamberlin to Martin Sheen, they always give...
Tom, you posted a poll on what the friggin average Egyptain thinks about our country not what the government thinks. Read your own post you *&%^,...
Yea, I really give a shit about Egypt. They cheered on the streets of Cario on 9-11. Just like you probobly did Tom. To look at foreign polls...
Let's see what the Demo's propose and see how far it gets. Maybe higher taxes , that's it, we will tax ourselves into prosperity!! Isn't that a...
Those pathetic little tax cuts were just fraction of what is needed. To attack our economy when compared to Germany, France, England, Japan, just...
Tom, the truth be known, you don't like anything to do with defense. The thing that really gets you is the fact that 9-11 showed how important...
Hey guys, isn't Clarett or what ever his name is a freshman? If so then he would't get to talk to the media under Saban's rules. Maybe this is a...
Tom, name the wars started under Republicans? WWI Wilson, WWII Roosavelt, Korea Truman, Vietnam Kennedy. All fine Republican Presidents.
Learned? Liberals don't teach! It's all in feeling good and doing the touchy feely thing.
Dear Tom, as brilliant and knowlegable as you are, please send me a copy of the books you have written. I'm sure you would enlighten and inform...
Tom Turkey, do you have any original thoughts? I've heard the same ole party line from you libs for decades. Let's face it. Your party will be...
Well Tom, since when did you go by real facts? I suppose the ice age 10, 000 years ago was somehow caused by cave men? The main fact is 95% of...
hey Tom, If you are such a good prognosticator why didn't you tell Gore not to run in 2000? How about a prediction on what loser you recommend...