I think that has been the plan all along SL2. USC and Ga. Tech both did it and I think LSU will use that game plan and that we have a better D...
The nickname "Shortbus" has already been assigned to Jacobs so I guess Crittenden will get the name "Crash Test Dummy"
Numa, Isn't Crittenden the same player who said on SportsCenter that auburn is better than So. Cal? for those interested in what aubbies are...
I'd say for the LSU football team too. "Once we get on them and we're going good and moving the ball..." Believe me Mssr. Crittenden, auburn...
Get your head out of your ass Numa. "Once we get on them and we're going good and moving the ball, the crowd's going to hush." Translation -...
more bulletin board material from auburn: Offensive tackle Monreko Crittenden said if Auburn does its part, noise should never be a factor....
Exactly. You're comparing apples and oranges TE b/c DD never went to a JUCO. The fact is Jacobs ran his mouth and any criticism he gets is...
UGA a better team than LSU? That's not what the scoreboard said. I guess you'd have us believe that auburn is better than Ga. Tech too.
No doubt in my mind that AuNuma and TT are the reason behind this page. do the link. http://home.hiwaay.net/~pcasteel/aubfamily.html
Even more interesting will be to see how Tub-o-chit and the paper tigers handle Georgia.
Actually you moe-moe, you'd be better served in learning how to read and spell. Non-existent (not ant)? Here's the link again as was put in the...
Well you talk about the prolific offense of auburn but go to this site and see where auburn is ranked in comparison to LSU in scoring offense....
If you don't like it then get then get the f#$k off of an LSU board because you'll get no courtesy reach arounds like ya'll give on AUN.
HERE'S A STAT FOR YOU TT: 90 OF 128 OF auburn's SEC POINTS ARE AGAINST VANDY AND MISSISSIPPI STATE. (38 against Tennessee and Arkansas -...
I'll never bet on the Saints or USL! This coonass will, however, bet Capt. Coonass that my momma can make a better roux than your momma.
As always, aubbies can never confront anything head on and when push comes to shove always talk about having class. Get a clue. Put your money...
As loud as au '88, florida '97, tenn '00 and uga '03 combined. Remember, Brandon "SHORTBUS" Jacobs isn't all that impressed with Death Valley...
Well then TT, care to place a friendly wager on our respective Tigers? We can even have side bets on how many yards Williams, Brown, Smith and...
But you somehow forgot who owns the overall advantage and how everyone, including vandy, beat LSU under Hallman and DiNardo; and that since...
Correction Capt. B. Jacobs is known as the "SHORTBUS"!