I know Kyle is a jerk, but I don't see how Wooley could pound the ever living hell out of him like that - expecially as wooley as given insurance...
I could ask the same question about vote buying and bribery (blanco). Robertson is the figurative head of the christian coalition. Jindal's...
Bottom line - this is NOT a Pat Robertson state. We don't look to the government for our spiritual guidance. He was in trouble the second he...
The most salient and pragmatic of the left-leaning Democrats here, JD, ". Now you're getting it. What kind of indictment is it that we...
As I awoke this morning, I heard something on the radio that was just clear pandering and lousy economics as well. Kathleen said in an ad she...
Football is not gonna happen, but community college baseball and softball are just around the corner. 5 years max. The Florida model is the...
"At these schools you'll see more graduate research and increased private-sector activity, and we'll be transferring that into jobs. More...
Good ideas - very similar to mine. What do you do with UNO? Need to be with tech and la la (although I'd only go with 2 of those 3) I'm not...
to improve the university system. I know you want more money for LSU, but that, in itself, isn't really a goal and is obviousl inefficient....
That's a silly, ridiculous argument - nothing but a canard. You prove it the same way you prove ANY defense raised to a criminal accusation -...
Flagship, smagship. I'm no ULL supporter, but the notion of 2 flagships is NOT the problem and is not the reason for LSU's funding situation....
Sorry, but that still seems ridiculous to me. He's an American. Isn't he? Yet, plenty of Americans of chinese or korean ancestry have...
Foster isn't a committed republican and is not a right winger. Jindal is and is. So why is Foster doing so much for this guy?
Alternatively, bringing the president in is not a prescription for success in La politics. Just ask Suze Terrell - the national committee killed her.
That is an inconsistent position. Which is it? That he believe she state should compel women at the point of a sword to carry a fetus to term...
I have been hit with the inspection sticker deal - ridiculous. But one thing about inspection stickers - they can SEE the sticker as you drive...
What I really want to know is how did you rate a public defender?
Re: JD, I was just kidding..... Do you think lesbians should be allowed to have a baby via in-vitro insemination? Do you think homosexual...
All the state needs to do is impose a 5 year license suspension for refusal to take the test How did you get your license unsuspended?...