Bill Clinton was elected twice and helped the Dems but he now has hurt the Democratic party more than he's ever helped them. Clinton Doomed Al...
That's true and they shouldn't have tanked the place - BUT Koresh, not the government, torched it and killed those kids. And they tried to arrest...
Re: ???? I don't know her either. But if Vitter is going to preach to us about family values, let's ask his wife about the family values...
There's no good answer to this. Obviously, they aren't doing it to encourage sex. On the other hand, it does seem better than an invasive...
[/B] Either way, it simply isn't accurate to wear the blinders and say "Great 8 years" when IN REALITY it was 8 years of HIGH TAXES, Unpunished...
The first elected president in U.S. history to be impeached -- Dec. 19, 1998., Does the fact that he was acquitted mean anything? Who needs...
Why don't you tell that to Trent Lott who investigated the election and IMMEDIATELY stopped it when he found out, low and behold, that street...
Typical of the extreme right - engage in the ad homenim and attack people personally when you have no arguments to uphold your double standard....
David Vitter has said that La should elect someone with conservative values. I suggest that the media interview Vitter's wife and ask her what...
The right wing thinks anything that is not far right freedom-hating dogma and opinion is unfair and unbalanced. The complained that the media...
I agree with Ellis Hugh - let's not forget the foundation of this - publically funded institutions. 90% of the attendees would be CEOs, their...
I assume you are being sarcastic, as this would totally demean the only legitimate reason for this - freeing a people from brutality. Oh, and...
I don't know what you want me to say - yeah, if every kid could get the education that most private schools currently offer, educational quality...
They paid taxes on any profits they made in the course of business. But you listen to baseball and they "lose" money, yet the values of...
The economy is a tough thing - you call it "overheated" - well, what does that suggest - inflation. Yet, inflation has been stable (price...
How does one rate a discussion anyway?
That's fantastic news. One question though - what do we do with him? Maybe we can give the russians one contract if they let us use a Siberian...
That's true, except that the Fed has had a loose money position for a while now - they tighten up once in a while when they smell inflation, but...