Of course it matters. When a party continually,without interruption, loots the taxpayers to pay campaign contributors (or organizations in...
I read a couple of Flashmans about 20 years ago- funny stuff-is he still cranking out new ones?
Bud, you're making excuses-what does AFrica have to do with anything? Name a place in the western world where slavery was practiced in the...
Or, too great a risk to chance the reward? Is that really a problem? In a societal, global sense it is. Humanity needs risk-takers. Would you...
All except the pre-snooze reading and an occasional weekend afternoon
Bud, slavery was well known to be morally repugnant well before the civil war. The american south was the only place in the western world where it...
I can't argue with that- I will also point out that slavery depressed the wages of all workers.
Well, that's a novel argument Let's tell that to tort plaintiffs- only if you prove that you cannot make a living can you recover your damages....
For a second there I thought you were actually comparing Kerry to the RNC or George Bush. Got those numbers handy?
A)Do you have a link that supports the $20 mill cut? B)The state had money during Foster's tenure-we don't now. C)There is no way in hell she...
Yes but if your great grandfather ran a stop sign and killed my great grandfather does that me that you owe me money? No because my ggf wasn't...
Look If I run a stop sign and kill you and I die as well, my estate pays your estate. Sure the slaves should have sued their masters- they were...
What about people living off of the largesse of slavery-take a drive down St Charles Avenue, or into Avoylles Parish or any number of places. I...
The answer isn't to "protect" jobs, but to create NEW AND BETTER jobs for our people who used to work in the textile mills- why by the way is...
The problem is that we need to change with the times - manufacturing jobs of yesterday are tech jobs of today. Nothing will change that - no...
What a joke. It is the right wing that hates freedom- absolutely LOATHES IT. "They offer programs designed to reward the lazy instead of actually...
It's not like they were let off. I am no death penalty fan, but if I were, I think not killing the mothers that killed their kids is a much...
How do you know he wasn't influenced by Muhamed? What was he, 16? This isn't some new liberal bleeding heart phenomenon. Charles...
I agree with him on a lot of things - just not the war (a couple of aspects of the war I agree with him on, but not the bulk). I agree he does...
Wouldn't your logic apply to infanticide and, say, killing the elderly? Neither would throw society into chaos. I agree with your in a...