No way you can respect a person who acts the way Brady Quinn does. No one constantly complains about draft status. Did ML complain last year...
i Believe that Powe is playing at Jones Community college as of right now
Coach Manieri said it was the 2nd base umpire who changed the call i thought that the home plate umpire made that call especially if there were...
Did anyone see the HR in the bottom of the ninth yesterday? I was just wonderine if anyone could tell me if the call was right or if it appearred...
I believe Jones could play for LSU im not sure about start and their is no way he would walk away with job. For you to say it wouldnt even be...
I was posting in response to Hurricane getting upset that we were talking good about Murphy and not enough about KW. The thread its self is fine...
I just dont get some of the attitudes here it's not the majority but the ones that do it really bring down the board this was a very possitive...
In no way can you teach toughness. I have seen many players who were tall enough fast enough and athletic enough just to be tossed to the side...
As far as Moss. He's a trainwreck of a teammate, a distraction in the locker room, and a sometimes casual performer on the field. I can't see a 28...
I thought he was a 4* im pretty sure that he was anyway
J. Powe is a monster I saw him at a powerlifting meet my junior year in high school. He is a freak of nature what a shame he cant qualify
I have seen Byrd working out with a trainer a few times over the last couple of weeks. Maybe he is turning over a new leaf or just saw what its...
And I have to say I am a lot more confident in our coaches ability to scout players than your's, no offense but they are damn good at it. I...
I had to ask Co-Eric the specifics he said this is because he committed to MSU after high school, that is why that is listed. He still has 30...
Some high schools have AP classes which you can get college credit for if you participate in these classes you get an extra .02 added to your over...
thank you urtoosmall and Fishhead I did not red you must have been someone else
I just want to apologize to anybody I have offended. I guess I should just let everyone think that Byrd is super man and will tear up the SEC this...
I am glad at least someone can see I am just tring to provide information. I like the picture on your header too, hopefully both of them next...
Fishhead you tried to pass off Byrd's 2 year stats as one year stats. If you dont know who Co-Eric Riley is then you have no credibilty in this...
I am in no way jealous of Byrd and I hope does great things. I still have another year to play JUCO and in all likely hood LSU will not be...