People believe what they want to believe regardless of the facts, quotes by the coaches, etc.
Nope, he's actually guiding it! Many of these posts are very similar to Les' answers when asked how the young guys are coming along.
Every one is making good, valid points in this thread. Of course none of us know for sure what has been said between Les and Cam or if Alleva has...
It wasn't just about getting another coach, Bowden and FSU wanted someone who would fit into what Bobby has built over the past two plus decades....
Cam will surely be contacted constantly about other positions and only he and Les likely know if anything has been lined up for the future. But I...
I didn't say that, I said that others would take your comments and make them worse. You know how people twist things.
Oh boy, don't start with this stuff. Others are going to take this a step further and before you know it by the time fall camp starts some posters...
Hell, Auburn had plenty of positive plays on first down, after first downs and also after incomplete passes. Their offense would have been...
There is a great article out there somewhere about arm strength. It starts with the natural strength then gets into form, strengthening exercises,...
They still do I believe. Stand upright and still, lift your artm as high as possible and the chip you touch becomes your bottom of the scale. Then...
We'll get a little feel for this team vs ULL. I like that we are playing a lot of guys early. Hopefully these young guys are a good as they've...
I'm sure this young man will go through many changes, situations, trials and tribulations by 2018 that may cause him to reconsider and for lsu to...
Me too.
Great game, but such a sad ending. They played their hearts out.
So true, every class we get specialist that might not appear real sexy but tend to be major contributors to our success. FB'S, blocking TE's,...
I suspect he will fly up the rankings, he is the real deal.
Oh brother:-) I really like this kid.
Seems as though he would wait until after the spring practice if they are already in class.
I hate the hurry, haven't liked it since I saw an OU game a few years ago. However, I am against putting in a rule to slow down these offenses...
Great, now we need to get a coupler of these Warren Easton guys.