TIRK!!!!! Say it isn't so. Is crawfish holding you or your family hostage, or blackmailing you in some way to make you speak the unspeakable (My...
Why didn't you just say you were gay, hell, everyone here already knew or at least suspected, I mean, with a name like Rex, C'mon!!!! :cool:
Wow, a "major" network ( MISS NBC ) devoted a whole 17 minutes to this story. I seem to remember a little station called CBS, devoting about a...
I guess under Bush, its cheaper to blow your brains out with a bullet, than to set yourself on fire with a gallon of gas. :dis: :dis: Oh well,...
She's not unelectable because of his slickness, she has enough of her own, "STENCH" to keep her out of the White House. :thumb:
Yeah, he is our resident house mouse here, then he runs to our opponents boards and RATS us out as terrible fans, bottle throwers, grandma rapers...
Thats the point, you "choose" not to believe, but it's not obviously crazy, because you can not prove that there is no God, anymore than I can...
Up front, so you know, I'm a believer, that being said, I could also argue the point that there is no God almost as well as you, because it is...
No!!!!!! Eleven states, soundly defeated that type of behavior!! :thumb: :rofl: :rofl:
Hopefully, he'll repost it, I would've liked to have read it. :)
So, the sooner you all start seeing things our way, the sooner things will be less divided. :thumb: