I was visiting the awbarn boards and they are quite upset that tubby doesn't have the killer instinct to impress the voters. :dis: :cry: :bncry:...
I don't think we WORRY about ahhbun at all, we do however show our distaste for azzhole players and coaches. I can see where you are confused...
Just what troubles at home are you so concerned with, that would trump the importance of stopping a country like Iran from developing nuclear...
He's on fire nimrod, and you want Dr. Phil to have a chat with him?:dis: You really should ask TRag Andrew if he will lend you some of his IQ...
The majority of your post are written to be intentionally inflammatory. Example: Laura Bush is a lying bitch. You construe her opinion as a lie,...
Quote: "Look at this old man who was slain by them," said Ahmed Khalil, 40, as he watched the video in his Baghdad shop. "Was he a fighter? Was...
The military needs to get all the inbedded reporters the hell out, and go back to having daily briefings. If that reporter had not been there,...
See, you don't get it. I have time to respond to you, I don't have time to respond to your positions because I don't care about your positions....
BTW, how about you show me where I called you a "TYPICAL" liberal? :thumb:
I will always respond in any way that will shed some light on to what lengths a disgruntled homosexual will stoop, to belittle the First Lady....
I suppose it's like the denial you have when you look at the election map and see all that red, you don't get it. NOBODY LIKES...
Your statement that Laura Bush was a lying bitch was all I ever needed to hear from you. I have neither the time or do I care what your...
Just like a liberal, it's all about me. :dis: Wish "ME" luck On "MY" cruise "MY" first LSU game You must be going on "YOUR"...
Free gas may just catch on, I heard a muslim set himself on fire in front of the White House recently. One down, many more to go! :thumb:
C'mon caddy, you been here long enough to know the answer to this. HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!:thumb: :rofl: :rofl: :lol: :lol: :hihi: :hihi:
Does anyone know whether or not, old piss has any forums?
Peabody, lets not get testy. I hate Awbarn just as much as the next guy, but I believe you will find yourselves in a similar situation as we were...
I am not familiar with any one play in football that can give or take away 16 points, so if they want to blame this loss on one non-call, instead...
Next year would be great to look forward too, if there was at least some sign of improvement. I hate to say it, but damn the QB's appear to be...
Is Dale Brown coaching this team? How do you blow a 21 point lead? :po: