we'll still be able to play atleast one big game at night.....the sugar bowl wont start till around 7 :-D
DD was 16 for 53 yards. he was the Texans leading rusher....both he and stacy mack carried 16 times...so thats very good news for DD.
damn Faulk and his fumbles i dont think fred taylor is doing jack crap...so Toe will be getting more and more of a chance. time to turn the...
ehh, nevermind
oh, and i forgot to mention last summer..instead of fertilzing their field....the groundskeepers spread weed killer over the field. that pretty...
sorry jetstorm...i went to tech for a little bit. i know LOTS of students at tech who were only at tech because they had to be. they were strictly...
ok, you say tech is good for a "good record in the wac"...well...you had ONE good year in the wac... last year was terrible..and the wac is...
id guess Oliver would get the start and Pittman would be one to sub.
no, even if they are any good...no self respecting bowl would pick them. why? because nobody goes to their home games, and nobody will go to the...
i think Rivers belongs on there. he's a hell of a QB. im not one to believe that the best player in the nation is always on the best...
the only thing tech was good at was womens basketball....and we even beat you in that (not only beat you....sent you home) i think Mauck is...
well, i think about those 19 INTs in 7 games and his overall suckyness (including his attitude)
i saw that pollack hangs out in coates bathroom sign sat.....but...what brought about that sign? i dont quite get it.
haha, thats actually pretty true.
hell no
"stuck in the south"?? i guess thats opposed to being in the north west (or the west in general) where 30,000 people show up for the games...yeah,...
ok, first of all... stop spelling it "dawg" thats gay secondly...your mascot is a british bulldog.
only way that would happen...is if that stupid rock they rub starts granting wishes.
damn girls....i knew a girl who wore aTm shirts...i would always ask her why in the hell she wore them...her reply..."i like the colors"