nahh, Vick wont last 7 years in the NFL. he's going to be hurt constantly. passing for 100 yards a game isnt going to get it done in the NFL. i...
Vick is obviously a great of the best, but i do not think he'll have a great NFL career. give me a great drop back passer...
being a sports agent has to be a great job. how do you get hooked up with that job?
Faulk had a pretty good O-line too were Faneca and McClure both playing during Faulk's frosh season?
i asked the same question on tigerdroppings and got this reply hehateme LSU Fan zachary Member since Oct 2003 16 posts on the new...
yeah, it happens... atleast i know i was around when things were tough....its the punk rock mentality but the good thing is....there are a...
opening for the Sugar bowl? that would be a nice back up plan.
its a good show a lot better than around the horn. they talk about the same exactl subjects back to back.....but PTI is much better IMO
no way Richt knew about it...he was too busy figuring out a way to not get his ass handed to him... and im pretty sure Richt wouldnt put up...
Dickie V can get old sometimes, but you have to like his positive outlook.
i personally think Vincent is better. Faulk was very good, but rolled up a lot of yards against teams like idaho st..etc.. he didnt have that many...
hahaha...that cant be for real. thats terrible, but very funny at the same time.
yeah, the heisman is lame you cant tell me that the best player (out of 117 teams) always is on a top 10 team. its a stupid award that does...
how much would those tickets be?
the one where they are all "topless" and in the jungle...ha
Re: Re: False advertising the coaches poll HAS to crown the winner of the BCSCG the National Title. The AP however doesnt have to.
sounds good TE, but i have question. you said that Flynn has the stronger arm than Russel. i always thought that Russel had by far the...
no, i mean this coming spring. sorry if i confused.... he should be ready for spring ball in 04
it doesnt matter what this poll says Saban will have a new contract here soon.