You make my point...
Athletics v. Braves Laugh now -- bow to my prediction in late October :grin:
Anyone who thinks McCain will be a war monger has never served in the Armed Forces. Mr. McCain spent 5 years in captivity during the Vietnam War....
I guess there aren't alot (if any) horse racing fans on here, so I'll amuse myself. War Pass got beat badly in the Tamba Bay Derby so his...
I couldn't agree more! JC Watts in 2012!!!!
Your Republican Nominee and NEXT President of the United States: John McCain :thumb::thumb::thumb::thumb: Nothing personal Clair :wave:
I know the Derby is over eight weeks away, but it's never too early to start the hype. Who is your early pick to win the roses? It's hard not...
I agree. I liked the show when it was Cold Pizza. Then Thea Andrews left and it went down hill.
:lol: Not quite BFE...but you can see it from here...:lol:
The University of Nebraska Athletic Department is self-sufficient and receives no state appropriations, institutional assistance or student fees....
By complaining about this thread you are actually helping it grow! :grin: Ignore it. Eventually it will go into hibernation...and then reappear...
It does in Nebraska :grin:
Don't go'll start the whole playoff debate :rolleye33::lol::grin:
EXCELLENT POINT!!! :thumb::thumb::thumb: If you check the '90's you'll see the same thing. So called CFB powers have the best recruiting class...
Where the majority of recruits come from is relative to where the talent is and should not be held against LSU or any team for that matter. For...