Lets wait until after the Regional before talking smack, shall we. But to answer your question, I'm very confident!
Same could be said about LSU :grin:
Steriods are legal in horse racing in most States, including KY. I wish they weren't, but they are. Why would a Trainer lie about something that...
Big Brown has beat better competition than Casino Drive. That field in the Peter Pan was pathetic. With that said, Casino Drive is a nice horse...
Saw that late yesterday. I'm re-evaluating the race right now.
Here's a link to the ESPN story: ESPN - Euthanized Kentucky Derby runner-up tests negative for steroids - Horse Racing
Across the Board...nice! :thumb:
Most people aren't in it for the money -- it's a risky business. My Uncle has a stable of about 40 that he runs throughout the midwest, Arkansas,...
I'm calling my shot on Tuesday before the post draw tomorrow. The winner of the Preakness Stakes is BEHINDATTHEBAR! If this horse had qualified...
As an HR Manager, I've heard them all. There is one employee that has had 7 grandparents that have died. But my favorite story is one my Dad...
Now that we're in the off season, I would like to get Tiger Nations take on the following questions: Will LSU miss Bo Pelini? And how do you...
Every track announcer has his signature call of the races. Terry Wallace has a very distict "And they're off", as do others. I the great Dave...
OT I always have a few steaks ready! By the way, did you notice who was ranked 6? :grin::grin:
As good a reason as any! I hope it happens for you and your son -- maybe we can have two new fans with a common bond :grin:
It's time to put the Kentucky Derby behind and look forward to next Saturday and the Preakness Stakes at Pimlico. Many will tell you that what...
It's terrible in any circle, ESPECIALLY racing circles!
By no means do I have my head in the sand about horse racing. Steriods should be banned. I agree. I was simply keeping the discussion going....
There isn't even circumstantial evidence to prove Eight Bells EVER took steriods. All you have is speculation about a tragic event. Why jump to...
Don't make claims of steroid use without proof. Eight Bells never took steriods....