Thank you Kentucky!
You can't have a poll for favorite team and allow people to vote for more than 1. That's just wrong...One favorite team...NO MORE! OK, I feel...
I've always liked Tony Stewart but I couldn't cheer for the 20 Car. I work for Lowe's and am a Cowboys fan! Now that he's leaving Gibbs, I can...
Don't sleep on Nebraska. They overachieved this year and have plenty of that experience coming back next year.
No official word, but looking outside and at local radar, this one is done for the night. If it does go tonight, 12 people will see it -- and...
Local radar shows a different picture and constant thunder and lighting outside doesn't bode well...Settle in Tiger fans, it's going to be a late...
In 2004 I went to a game between Cal State Fullerton and South Carolina. LSU was in the late game. The game was in the fourth or fifth inning...
Agree. Dutrow's response is bush. Right after the race he supported Desormoux.
And you can't claim the opposite...It's an opinion.
Sorry, no. There used to be two but both switched to another brand in the last couple of years.
Congratulations Tigers! So who's traveling to Omaha to support the team? My offer still stands...I'm cooking steak and corn on the cob for any...
Zero. The horse was worth more to EVERYONE involved if he won. There is no such thing as a sure thing --- especially in horse racing.
If your a fan of sarcasm, check this article're not alone in your sentiments. ESPN - Un-American - Horse Racing
Don't knock 'em till ya try 'em :lol:
Good luck Tigers! Let me know if any of you follow the team to Omaha -- I'll fire up the grill :wave:
I have mixed feelings on the subject. It's obviously a plus from a revenue side as well as recruiting. Then again, Nebraska always recruited...
Let's get this discussion started. We are six days away from the Belmont Stakes and possibly history. The more I study the race, the more I'm...
Couldn't agree more! :thumb:
The grill is always ready -- you gotta get through the regional and super first though (and the Huskers might be waiting for LSU!)
Are you serious? You are upset about the color of the jersey? Siked or psyched, this discussion is wack...