The site you stated is how I found this forum. It's my homepage. It is the first thing I read every morning. It has dozens of links to everything...
This will set up the tigers for natty #3 in the bcs era. We are living in the golden age of lsu football. The age of the hat !
They ain't got chit on being delousional. The ducks, wvu and arky take them on being delousional.
The bossman has spoken. Better listen.
Phucking chill bumps! One of the best three minutes I've ever had with my clothes on. Geaux tigers! Go to hell gump!
I just watched dicky Nicky on gameday. He is a master at making his case. He did bama good. I hate to say that. He did do a good job.
We have a prefect 1.000 in the computer polls. That's almost unheard of. Cry bama cry. The whole college football world is saying " who's going to...
Miles takes the lord of the rings approach. Like the living tree said," anything worth saying takes a long time to say "
I agree that a strong ole miss is good for the sec and good for the state of Mississippi. With all the things Mississippi has to face , ole miss...
I would love to see the ducks and pigchits play in a bowl game. I think the piggies would beat the ducks.
Is there proof he's gay? Has he come out the closet? Are people saying he's gay because he looks gay or is gay?
Much of ole miss' problems are internal. The people that fought to get rid of col reb are the same ones that really only want to make ole miss...
Someone said on fsa a good while back that shep smith was gay. Is he really gay or was that just someone saying he looks or sounds gay?
He is new. Maybe he doesn't get to read much of the board
Ramah, you are a literary mastermind.
Nothing gets by this board , brah. Let me tell you, if an lsu player farts in the bathtub someone has posted about it before the bubbles hit the...
I thought it was astro turf but wasn't quite sure. I would think that the NAACP would be screaming if it was called Afro turf.
On the Israel thoughts. One day the Arabs will try to take Israel again. If a Muslim extremist gets a tatical nuke and uses it on Israel you can...
We could decrease the amount of oil we use drastically by using nat gas to run our cars. I have thought out how. We have all seen where you can...