Polls? Like the ones where you cast votes during elections? Nah...they don't allow smoking within 500 feet of those things. I'm amazed how you...
Sounds like Football 101. :D
You may be a tool, but I don't mind you. I have to give it to you....you are the biggest $h!+ stirrer on this forum! But what should we expect...
Now that's funny right thar....I don't care who ya are!
I think he took the bus home from work......and he's too tired to play with you...:hihi:
Who let the dog out???
Why is anyone even worried about this? Like this is the first team in history to ride a bus to a game. If the game would have been in Oregon,...
Matt Flynn votes for olVENICEdog.
Sorry. I was freebasing heroin when I typed that.
It's only a party if olVENICEdog is invited.....:hihi:
EXACTLY what I was thinking.
I kid..I kid!!!! :hihi:
Dude...he coached Tampa Bay Vo-Tech! But I heard he was a package deal with Amp Hill... I did think that what Dandy Don said was interesting:
Fat Venice?!? Shouldn't be difficult to get a couple of fat girls to go.....and a few guys to flash you for beads!
Who is this Tiger1958 that is putting this damn post on every thread??!!?? :cuss:
anal ease?
Just b/c you are the fashion police doesn't make you TigerForums police. Make yourself happy and go sit on a corn cob. PS: Stop stealing my...
You walking abortion.....It's amazing how you tell someone to FO for not having something "nice" to say. And I'd hardly call your threads...
I don't see "contributor" next to your name. So if YOU don't have anything to CONTRIBUTE, then maybe you should be the one to butt out of this...
I see that Mr BrokebackSausage and the good reverend ViennaSausageDog like to gangbang insults on other unwilling guys on this forum...... I...