FYI, I'm graduated from LSU in 1987. I bleed purple and gold. The University of Slow Learners (USL) had absolutely nothing to do with my screen...
Mississippi State just lost to Ole Miss by the score of 13-11. The Tigers have backed into the SEC tourney. Can we say another 2 & out?? With...
With ABC's scheduling these Saturday night games, don't be surprised if CBS moves some of their marquee SEC games of the week to primetime too....
Hey, BB, sometimes you have to take two steps back to take a step forward. When it became apparent this past football season that the Saints were...
victory, I wouldn't have a problem with a rebuilding year if we were seeing improvement throughout the year. However, this team just gets...
OLE PISS SWEEPS!!!!!!! LSU lost by a score of 11-8, with Chase Dardar giving up the winning runs in the bottom of the 8th. You know what???...
Ole Piss won the second game 11-3. LSU was outhit 17-12. Pathetic, just f'ing pathetic!!!!!!!! If the Tigers even have a prayer at making the...
Boy, LSU baseball really is in the crapper. There was a doubleheader against Ole Piss today, and no one is even talking about it. BTW, we...
I won't happen this weekend with Bama coming to the Box!!!! Did you see what they did to SC this weekend??? In Columbia, no less!!! LSU will...
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
Why does everyone want Bianco??? Yeah, he's an LSU alumnus, so what??? Has he taken Ole Piss to the CWS?? No!! If Smoke leaves, Skip needs...
How did I misrepresent what the article said?? In the second sentence of the first paragraph, I said that all of the parties denied the "rumor",...
Boy, we're sensitive on this board today!!!! ;) ;) No, I don't want LSU to be another showboat school like Miami or Florida State. I'm just...
Huh??????? I didn't intend to imply that the losers were hi-fiving their loss. What I said was these teams show emotion during the game,...
That's exactly why I don't like him. His teams play with absolutely no emotion whatsoever. Look at the teams that are in this year's CWS. With...
Did anyone catch the article in the Times-Picayune this morning? It said that Smoke is upset with LSU fans' criticism, and he is considering the...
True blue LSU fans need to pull for Florida big time now!!!! Both Texas and Arizona State have the same number of NC's as LSU, all three of us...
If Tanner goes to Oklahoma and Horton goes to A&M, do any of you think that Tulame's Jones may be mentioned as a candidate at South Carolina??...
Isn't Wally's little brother, Nicholas, on the team. LOL about pon teef, actually my maw maw pronounces it pawn teef. That was her...
I think the point that the previous poster made was that this program has taken a major slide this year. This is Smoke's first senior class!!!!...