My freshman year as well. My first year of college was all of my older friends first year as graduates. They told us that they weren't gonna...
I was talking to an Omaha FD and he was telling me Ameritrade got the naming rights for only 750,000 a year. He sounded kinda pissed that they...
Haha. i can agree with this. I drove through central Arkansas through the back roads on my way to NE. We passed through a town called St....
Les, Trent, and Paul came walk out to the student section in left field before the game Tuesday.
Okie, I hope not. Delete my last post if it will cause pandemonium. Just what I'm hearing. Ok just talked to some players. Game on.
7:43 first pitch
I'm back!! Really wet but back. The rain finally stopped. Tarp is coming off of the field as I type. 8:00 game time, I would assume....
And the tarp just got rolled out. Still not unfolded and on the dirt yet though. Really starting to look dark behind center field. UPDATE: big...
Any of you guys heard any kind of weather related news? We are in a severe thunderstorm warning here. The BP nets were pulled off of the field...
so you have to wait in line to get a GA ticket, then wait in another to be able to get in before it gets full?
i have 3 questions. How does getting the tickets work when i reserved them through LSU? how much are the tickets the scalpers are selling....
you mean Southern Missouri. :insane: now down 8-0 through 3.5
If your friend in the band doesn't need his ID for anything that day, then i would imagine that it would work. But if he swipes his ID earlier...
One of my favorite finishes in TS(games i attended). It was a crazy mix of emotions. Low, High, Low, High. maybe second only to the 07 AU...
that's a big gap between Texas at #1 and LSU at #12. $36 Million!? Where the hell does that much extra moola come from? Boosters?...
Re: Most Overrated coach = Pete Carroll This pretty much sums it up. 6/5 Roundtable - The Least With The Most
I was gonna say the same thing. Gameday at Florida sucks. I also found out you can't drink competitively at Florida. They barely allow you...
That Thomas Jefferson was something else. The university was revolutionary in that it was based around the library and not the church. The...
Ha, they got banned from doing a "jump around" dance in 2003 because they thought the stadium would fall.
**** You. Eat ****.