If the polls would actually pick from week to week who the best teams are based on how they are playing, instead of the ESPN hype, then the...
I think Georgia is the better team all around right now. USC a close second. LSU has been injured just like USC was early since the AU game, or...
What if the two best teams are from the same conference that has a championship game, i.e, LSU has no losses, UGA has one loss and did not play...
It was so cool this week. Even at the Doctor's office today and at my boys school, it was all about who are you for. My boys (coached by me)...
You really don't that will happen do you. Bobby Bowden too. They get to go on their own terms.
Maybe not, but "It is what it is"
If these yahoos would back off, and let him have a chance to build something, UA could be something again. But if they don't, the BEAR talk will...
They only showed a clip of CNS calling the media out about expectations of winning at all cost, and that was not what he was about. I am sure you...
Just watched the local news, and their comment was Nick blew a gasket again today. I have never said anything negative or positive about CNS, but...
Doesn't Tn control their own destiny. If they win out are they in the SECCG? I haven't been paying attention to the East.
Re: Official Oregon vs Arizona Let's see if I'm right about my Upset Prediction Threa Just looking at that sign in the stands, I am glad we are...
I think Les will shake his hand and thank him for the big Raise he is about to get after this year.:hihi:
LSU BOY A Louisiana State University fan is drinking in a New York bar, when he gets a call on his cell phone. He hangs up, grinning from ear to...
We definitely should. In order for a program to stay successful, you need to have that continuity. Now if we could just find a way to do that...
I have wondered that a lot too. I mean, at least send one guy to put a little pressure instead of just standing around. Special teams needs to...
Doesn't he have commercials for ONSTAR, which is with chevy also? Dude make lots of jack with endoresments.
Yep, and usually it is filled with Gatoraid, and poor Les is gonna get it dumped on him at the end of the game.
Kinda thought the same thing. I do not dislike Irvin, but he was a very iffy selection. Seemed like he was grandstanding as usual. He was a...
Won't happen. Why share your money when your are the homer's of the media.
I think they should try and get this done. The braves keep a few veterans, and try to win with a lot of young guys. A. Jones is gone next year,...