Every day, I feel like I am walking around in a poorly-written young adult dystopian novel.
Gravedigging...perhaps. But funeral homes are probably having a bad time. The father of one of my best friends from high school died a couple of...
And are the lemmings ever lining up to jump off a cliff! The number of people asking, no...BEGGING, to be shut down for the rest of the year is...
How much of the "no vents for elderly patients" in Italy had to do with socialized medicine? I have wondered that.
Interesting that you say that, but my now-online students would disagree with you. Most of them have communicated they didn't realize how much...
Yes! I just wanted to see the kids again. I wanted them to be able to gather their possessions from their lockers, maybe have a pep rally....
As expected, he closed schools statewide for the rest of the year. Of course, we are supplying online learning, but it is not the same. This is...
Some years back, Hannity ran a bullshit story about how Plano ISD didn't allow students or teachers to say "Merry Christmas" or to wear red or...
This x 1000. I thought that last week was going to be the worst week in our lifetimes. Now, truly, I know that many people lost loved ones last...
I am not a lady that does much in the way of pampering myself. I don't own expensive clothes, I don't dye my hair, I get $25 haircuts every three...
Of course, I have nail clippers, but nothing can replace a good pedicure.
Yes! I cannot WAIT to get a pedicure.
Is it currently full? Or is it empty like the one at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in downtown Dallas?
That's good. Texas is full, anyway.
Sadly, that's correct about the crawfish, but both like crab dishes.
The difference in the standard of living is really incredible. The only thing missing in Texas is ny extended family, but even then, across the...
Governor Abbott in Texas is pissed at Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins because Dallas has a slew of beds set up in the convention center downtown,...
Absolutely. So, I am really not scared of getting sick. The first 4 or 5 years I taught, I got sick frequently. But as the years wore on, my...
Luckily, at my house, we have about 50,000 pony tail elastics, so we may be in business. As for fearing the virus, I have been a teacher for the...
I went to the grocery store on Saturday, and it was the first time I had been in two weeks. Yes, there was face mask shaming going on. I don't...