Not really. When has the Big 10 been relevant recently for the national championship? If only the SEC plays, we have the national champions 9 out...
That would be EPIC! But I won't allow myself to get my hopes up. Anything that is fun isn't allowed in 2020...and who are we kidding? Probably...
All kids in our district have been issued a Chromebook that they will use all year. I am going to try to forget about everything for a while, as...
Hundreds of people in my neighborhood showed up at 6:30 this morning for a memorial walk/run for Sarmistha Sen, the murdered woman, followed by a...
I am pretty well pissed off that (eventual) in-person school for high schoolers is only two days a week. I (and other parents) who chose in person...
It's true. This is a big-time established neighborhood without a ton of moving in or out. We have black neighbors, neighbors of all races (ex. the...
It's very frustrating that multiple people have reported seeing him lurking around, especially the night before the murder.
And people all over the neighborhood had seen this bastard skulking around the area for over a week. But everyone was afraid to call the police...
It really is an outrageous outlier of a crime here. Don't get me wrong...there have been a few absolutely heinous crimes here in the 24 years I've...
I was friends with two Lebanese sisters when I was at LSU back in the late 80's. They had been forced to leave Lebanon when their family ended up...
It was odd how an "international" source had strange details like the murder occurring at Legacy and Marchman and the burglary occurring on...
That explosion in West was insane. It happened just days after the Boston Marathon bombing.
I don't think people will be shy least not for a while. I moved here from Louisiana 23 years ago, and one thing I have loved about...
Truly, my cocker spaniel will scare no one. The mom of one of my younger daughter's friends jogs that trail frequently. They have a huge,...
This is not going to make me buy a gun. It also isn't going to make me stop exercising. I have been exclusively taking long walks all spring and...
I generally feel very safe where I live, but early Saturday morning, a female jogger was attacked and murdered on a trail less than a quarter mile...
I hope she makes a full recovery.
I loved that haka so freakin' much...and then we went in and curbstomped the shit outta of the damned Aggies. When we used to be allowed to have...
Meanwhile in North Texas yesterday, my sophomore's drill team started camp with a half-day workout. The high school grounds were so crowded with...
So...Houston, in particular, was mentioned as a major hotspot. And...reasons were given for that (bars, pools, restaurants, parties), yet no...