Well my accent is crazy, I wish I could lose it a little. Altho the women in other states seem to LOVE it. I have even had women from like the...
Would anyone else love to watch LSU put up 450 yards against Rutgers and only allow 180? Any bets?
I say like the tiger fight the bull and winner gets #1....
LSU rocks... atleast we arent Louisiville fans...
Wanna figure out who get's left out? Simple ... Flip a quarter, best out of 5 goes... for the Au and Bama fans that means ya gotta win 3 out 5...
I have spent alot of time in Miami and in the banks they have english and spanish lines. It didn't bother me at all. I think that people should...
I said the same thing, cause it has alot of truth to it.. sometimes it's easier to bulldoze and then rebuild rather then work with what's left.......
Punting sux, lets do like USC did a few years ago and stop punting... we got the offensive tools and defense to just go for it on every fourth...
I remember the Montana, Young years... I was playing nintendo when the 49'ers were unbeatable. Hail Merry to Rice or Taylor and it was...
No names were given, since when do these threads follow topic? It's about scheduling and when reading the post above my first one, this qoute I...
Did anyone else hear that Louisiville got denied by like 10 SEC teams to do home n aways? The SEC basically got called out by some guy on FSN, he...
I think that formation was designed to set up fake punts... it gets the defense being over-agressive coming off the line and opens up some serious...
No 2 on 2 with Dad being QB? Those games always rocked as a kid. BTW we played tackle... 2 hand touch is for pussies.... like Alabama kids...
I think that's a BS excuse for a lineman. Sure fool him once maybe.. but multiple times? Sheesh... When it's that noisey don't the linemen just...
Who cares it's the 49'ers.... they suck... just do away with the team...
Global Warming eh? Something I have heard mention is that path the Earth takes around the sun, also what about the "tilt" the earth has to it?...
Ya that's what this years Coach of the Year's resume is gonna look like.... Can't wait to see what Coach Peyton does with this team in 3 years...
Very nice post... I hear Mexico is a nice place to live...
Wow Tommy Hodson... I played with his brother Ben at CL. Had his Daddy as my Jr. high Coach/PE teacher. Tommy was a better basketball player then...
Exactly.... For the first time I can remember I am impressed wth what the Saints have on the feild. This team seems to be getting better and...