shoulda been picked off... thats aight... PUNT...
Our D is in this game, last drive we gave them to much, penalties... 3rd and longs... etc..etc that won't happen to often to allow USC to put...
our boys are wake now... that last drive woke them up... now it's time to show them whats up
gg usc
wake up time here....
i've heard of dumb ideas... but this one takes the cake
so many stories... so little time.... here's a real funny one... when I was 18 a buddy and I went out down the bayou.. being I grew up in...
yea... I was being sarcastic...
Thats easy... which ever team LSU is facing next!
Lou Holtz is the poster child for alzhiemers... he doesnt remember anything that happens recently... he remembers from years ago when Spurrier...
were playing USC.. shoulda skipped practice all week.... kidding obv... this sucks and I hate to see any athletes injured.. unless of-course...
Da cocks get blown out by 21 or more.... once our starters get off the field the cocks my score a few points... kinda like a blind squirrel...
best avatar ever!
easy call even at 18.5 me thinks.. I had LSU by 21 on paper after the VT game... I put some $$$$$ down on it... <3 da interwebz
LOL.... I love to deer, rabit and dove hunt... not really into much else... duck hunting is basically pointless nowadays... I remember going...
I gotta admit.. I "LOL'd" at the first post... but then I Thought... wait thats obviously un-acceptable... next year it better be atleast 4...
I hate Tenn... they should sign Fulmer to a 10 year extension
Anyone else wondering how someone who says "These guys are specimens, two very "pretty" teams" gets to vote? no wonder USC is still #1 in the...
unless God comments in that article im not buying it...