Will Orgeron beat Coach Sabes in Bama's "down year" this year? Otherwise a Bowl game convo is in order.
Owned? You don't even have an argument going..
USB? He lost to a computer port/cable? Was UAB in his 1st year?
How many SuperBowls have you baws won since 1967? You're too young to Remember the 1960's-80s.
Like Troy?
I'm an LSU fan that wants to play the best & have the best coaches. You're a 41 year old Aints fan. 'Nuff said.
I asked you. I did No math.
Where? This is a mostly tard duh Parrish board.
Hahaha! And you want to schedule more punching bags? Too funny... I don't see Troy on dat list baw...
Guess I'm guilty then. No F'ing way I take Orgeron over Sark in any circumstance. 99% of the college football world would pick Sark too....
Great is the 32 under Orgeron? How's his record vs Bama? Let me leave a full page for you to fill out Orgeron wins vs Bama..
Smart hasn't gotten an Ohio State grad to come play QB for him..yet.
As did the Japs. Who's economy is better today?
Not many since Saban has gobbled them up like Skittles. Plus lots of new SEC coaches..
Well don't worry yourself. You get to watch Dumb & Dumber in Cody Orgeron vs Ed Orgeron in a mighty showdown with McNeese on 9/11.
Best in the SEC: Saban Riley Fisher Sarkisian Smart Mullen Where's Ed the Rosy O? I didn't write it..
The Germans didn't win the SEC Title. Plus there's no way they acted as butt hurt as LSU 2012.
You just lost to MooU & Missouri plus every hard game. Punching bags? Look in the mirror..
Just like you "That's all ancient history, like Orgeron at Ole Piss" Just like am "LSU fan" talking shit about losing the National Championship...
No not Bama, but they're #4 & #5...LSU checks in behind Georgia at #11.