You can watch it here. CBS streams the SEC games for free. The picture quality isn't nearly as good as what you'll get with an HD feed of CBS. The...
Vaguely reviewed the post that discussed my location and I feel like an idiot. That thread must have slipped my mind.
That immediately came to mind when you mentioned Gary, Indiana. I think that the Jackson 5 made a name for themselves playing around Gary.
Reasonable response. I'll have to go back and look at my posts. I didn't recall having posted my location. Anyways, I appreciate the reply.
Everyone here knows that I just incessantly litter the boards with the personal details of forum members. Come on!
You'll have to fill me in on whatever I'm missing. So, what is your occupation? It's also highly unlikely that you would have met me even if you...
I know. Fishhead is entirely out of line. But, who cares. If he feels the need to respond with such attacks, then more power to him. You would...
I forgot that we all completely control our height. You're the idiot here. And if I may ask, what does a hail claim have to do with anything...
Finally a bit of positive news. Now Mathieu just has to keep himself in line and not screw up. I will be shocked if that happens. May he prove me...
I don't expect a coach to win every game. Any candidate for the hypothetical position could easily identify the problems. They would realize that...
I read the post that you make reference to. You got another laugh from me.
In reality if you were to actually speak with me in person you would immediately see that I'm really devoid of drama. I just calmly discuss the...
There are also coaches with an established record that are more than capable.
Les Miles is not an irreplaceable entity. There are several others that could adequately coach LSU. Do you really think Les Miles is that special?...
That made me laugh. Thanks for that. I can assure you that Les Miles will not be missed by me or the majority of fans that I personally know.
I almost put "talent pool" in place of potential. I think that more appropriately describes the situation. Only putting forth the opinion that LSU...
Maybe your uncle foresees the inevitable and would prefer to witness that inevitability sooner rather than later so that LSU may move FORWARD!...
Maybe it will take heightened state of drama among the fan base to actually initiate even minor changes. Forever toiling in the bowels of an...