I have never been to an event--outside a church service--where they sang the second verse to the National Anthem. I actually like the second...
has anyone noticed they are putting the word to the second ver of the alma mater on the screens at the stadium instead of the first verse that...
does anyone know when they plan to start building Mike's new habitat. After having made a few donations over the last few years I am wondering...
well they got their first TD of the season. I am still unimpressed by AU
they got a gift from Vandy with the roughing the kicker call on the field goal and then had first and goal on around the six yard line. Vandy's D...
Maybe we could schedule TCU---I know they are not a major team but they are in the Top 25; It would get us some more exposure in the DFW area.
That's 4 bulldogs in one year: WIU, UGA, La. Tech, and MSU. I am really looking forward to the UGA game but I want to focus on WIU. Didn't...
I lived in Ft. Worth for about 4 years. I drove over to Ben's in Dallas for quite a few games and always had a lot of LSU fans.
I was there last night and the rain did seem like the Miami game at the start but I could still see farther than I could at the Miami game but...
I cant believe Hawthorne said it was raining harder than he had ever seen before.. Wasn't he at the LSU/Miami game in 88 you couldn't see the...
South Upper 9 row AA
don't know enough about either team to make a prediction but I will be pulling for AU. They are a aprt of the SEC and an SEC win helps our...
can you go to the game and not tailgate? I didnt know that was an option. However if I had to choose i would go to the game over tailgating.
AU 96--I still have the Sports page form Montgomery from that game. The headline read something like this "LSU beats AU in a barn burner, literally"
I say try T.J. Ribs on Acadian. All the other places mentioned are also good.
I would take EU22 besides from M being lower than HH. The East Upper Deck is newer and nicer than the West in my opinion. I would suggest...
Maravich is listed under South Carolina
Hate: Notre Dame I actually like AU---I thought their fans were the nicest fans I met on any of my road trips. I also thought what little of...
I think he was cut at some point after last season by Green Bay. I was just wondering if he made it to anyone's spring training? Is he going...
Does anybody have a link to a pic of AU's kicker in the middle of our band. I used to have one with the drum major yelling at the kicker....