Coach Garland was my high school coach; the guy that played Pete was also in my P.E. class the year he was down in B.R. while they were shooting...
yesits true. He went from teaching Bible at Parkview Baptist one week to deep snapping at New England the next. He is 38. Here is a good...
I think it possible for us to go 11-0 next year but I dont really expect it.
well at least the two SEC team they have ahead are two taht we plqay---so after we beat them we should be #2. I hope VT beats USC in BCA game...
just thought I would post this for those interested.
I dont think he's a Trojan--he says he is biaseed against the PAC 10; I posted the same article with a link in the thread "Here is a great...
that hey did at ADT exhibit by the Dome Here is my pic
I heard there will be a parade on Jan 24---dont know any details though
I did see two Sooner co-eds moon a few drunk LSU fans who were harassing them but it didnt bother me seeing their rears. they were pretty...
What about Championship Coke Bottles
here is the Daily Oklahoman link
when will they replay the game on Cox---My tape ran out before the end and I need to retape it. I also want to see what I may have missed from...
I got this info from What time is kickoff. Will the 12:30 trip back to BR give enough time to...
Good article
After Nike's ad in SI maybe they would sponsor it. One problem would be getting tix printed and enough people being able to make the arrangements...
I thought the Rose Bowl held over 100,000; how come the anounced attendance was only 93,000. If the Superdome held 100,000+ it would sell out...
Where will there be places to park---I will not be able to get to N.O. until around 1:30 in the afternoon. I heard there was going to be places...
I got in my car and heard Mauck's name mentioned and then heard something to the effect that "this would not be a good time to have to throw...
I dont know about Dinardo but I know people who are still good friends with Mike Archer; I think most coaches know who their real friends are and...
Before the championship games I sent an email to a writer of an article that was about changes needed in the BCS. My email suggested adding that...