I'd rather have a dominate D-Line or D-Backfield than LB. Good LB is needed; however, a D is stronger when the Line and Backs are the strongest...
That is the fun of being a fan. Starting next season, everyone begins at 0-0.
He is a very good recruiter.
Until they beat us - losing is ingrained deep in their psyche.
Only the strong survive.
You wish.
So is Running Back.
We don't lose very often in Tuskaloosa.
My second language is Russian and understand the coolness of working with more than one culture. I grew up in Louisiana and lived in Russia after...
An opportunity for greater success
He's done a good job working with his receivers and their zone reads.
He sucks as an OC. Saban pulled a Les. Told him to find a job and he became the receiver coach at TX.
One makes his on luck.
Miles, Miles, Les Miles, Miles & Miles
I only know one and it was Johnny Vaught at Ole Piss. Went from a winning recored to a losing record, as an Ole Piss coach.
LSU is Miles' Michigan.
God is wearing his Purple and Gold gear today. Get ready for the championships!
I can see a couple of championships out of this batch of players - maybe 3. He would be giving up a lot for a rebuilding program, which may not...
Relax. Life is too short to get upset about it. It will be what it will be.
Who is Buddy Songy? I'm in Dallas and never heard of him. I sure don't remember him from my days in BR - long time ago.