LOL!!!! :lol:
You are NEVER going to change my mind about the way I feel about Tuberville. I don't want him representing LSU Athletics in any way. YOU have a...
??????? I guess you feel that the fact that the overwhelming majority of LSU fans can't stand tuberville should not play a part in his hiring....
To Late He already is Urban Legend Material The fact that the overwhelming majority of LSU fan can't stand him should be reason enough not to...
Tigerskin You did not answer both my questions. I asked you if you attended home LSU games. It seems as if you are in the Dark about...
Surprise Surprise Tuberville
Tigerskin, did you attend in LSU Home Games the past 5 years? Do you live out of state?
Spurrier was arrogant for sure, but he didn't cross the line like Tubby did.. Hey it's not just me.Tubberville has had so many incidents that...
I'm suspecting from your comment that because Tubberville did win this year, you believe he has no class since you believe that it is not...
I'm thinking the 25 that said Yes weren't LSU fans and wanted to sabotage the Poll. So far only 2 of the many hundreds of LSU fans on the...
Auburn has become our biggest rival due to Tubby's classless acts. His lack of integrity go far deeper than the eye incident. He has run up the...
In the Baton Rouge Business Report's Online Edition POLL RESULTS Should LSU hire Tommy Tuberville to...
Firesourdoughman :hihi: :hihi: LOL!!! I added www.don'
Yeah it was a semi joke, but miracles happen sometimes. Hey alot of Northern Guys move south. Nick Saban had roots farther north and didn't like...
I'm glad I'm not married to a coach.
Just say Neaux to inside sources No more will I trust the "inside source" Never ever again! How bout Bil Belichick here at LSU
? Sorry, what do you mean by couch surfing?
If we've learned anything from coaches it should be that they are looking out for #1. We should take comments about offers with a grain of salt....
Tub Perhaps it is just Sexton trying to get Tubby and himself more $$$ However the possibility does exist that it could happen and I want to...
My Letter to Skip This is my letter to Skip Mr. Bertman, Let me say to you that I have great respect for you and all that you have done...