True dat!:thumb: If I knew what the coaches know, my bank accout would look VERY different!
Uhh... Sure we won't.:grin:
Ya'll are taking this too seriously. That is just comedy to break up a tense day.:lol:
I'm just glad I am not the coach that has to choose just one of them! QB is one of the positions that we just about can't lose at.
Most 8 year old girls in Bama are married.
You left out the Huns and the Russian Army!:lol:
Geez, only 53 years old!
I can't say. No really my wife's here, I can't say!
Re: IF YOU COULD HANG OUT WITH ANY TIGER WHO WOULD IT BE ANE WHY? I can't remember the name, but there was this cheerleader...
OK I'm dumb, but how would going to Mich. be better than going to LSU? NFL wise.:confused:
Aint rumors great. :lol:
Toolame #3?? Puhleease!!
After pulling for the shorthorns all night i think I a VERY hot shower!
You are all wrong, USC never does wrong!:lol:
I sure hope the ref was wearing a "usc" when he did that to Iowa!
Just want them to win, I don't have to watch it.
Maybe one game won't change anyone's mind. However, they may realize this is what the guys are capable doing when they are not physically, and...
The way I look at is we are 2-0 against thugU... in one night!:rofl:
Or maybe they were brought together as a team by a ... LEADER!