We are FINALLY back to the high 70's during the day and the mid to high 50's during the day. Thank goodness! Although that doesn't help my yard...
I didn't hear this press conference but I did notice that on the daytona 500 webpage there were tickets left when in past years this race is sold...
thanks guys! You are helping a lot. We have been so bored with the same old thing over and over again! I needed some help!
Well the low last night was 52 and the high today is only expected to be 55. Then the low tonight in the 30's and tomorrow night in the 20's. I...
Thanks, having that for dinner tomorrow night! How many pork chops do I need to put with that? I have another good pork chop one that I will...
Alright please post here any recipes that are fun and a bit easy for the busy people! Ones that you have a good bit at your house. Mine is...
Color me redneck...sounds wonderful to me! But I might need a meat in all that!
I think you are right but I wouldn't overlook them because that is just when they will come back and beat the hell out of you!
Pork Chops and Corn, Green Bean Casserole, broccoli and alfredo pasta, and cresant rolls. Mike's mom came over for dinner also, so I made his...
goodness, I have the same feeling that I get when football season starts to get close...I am getting very excited!
We went to eat at Texas Roadhouse tonight. We went a couple of months ago and it was to die for! The best steak I have ahd in Florida...this...