This! I hosted a bbq party last night and was stunned that people saw the Oregon score (Against the all mighty New Mexico) and were complaining...
You're right. Everyone should dwell on the wins as bad as the losses and do nothing but trash the team and the coaches all of the time. It...
Have to try it then. I agreed with my wife to do a book for a book, and while I gave her some of my fave noir novels, she gave me the Sookie...
I read his first one (for fun, not because I believe it to be gosple) and was entertained. How's that one compare?
I tried saying that last night, and got yelled at. I think I am going to follow your football season resolution instead of the one I decided on.
I watched the replay on ESPN after the game, and that's what the ref did. However, looking at it again and then getting on and viewing...
Um, yeah. I'd forgotten about that but it sure was. Hope he pulls it together.
MS looked formidable last year against us, and I think that the games with them in the future are not going to be the cake walks that they have...
I doubt it. If I pick something up and read it on my own, I go through it quicker and understand it better than being forced to read it. I read...
He hit the nail on the head
I always accept wins.
One thing improved. We managed to get 162 rushing yards out of a team that was originally supposed to be in the top ten on defense. I know that...
After watching the game, and numerous fan's negative responses to our win, I thought I'd revive this thread for something else to think about....
It is amazing that peopleare blaming our win on anyone. JJ wasn't spectacular, but he had two TDs and one INT. Only 150 yds for passing is...
Thanks for posting and having more class than some of the LSU "fans" we have around here. From looking at the the game, I don't think UNC will...
This. JJ wasn't spectacular but got the job done. And I'm a fan of TE's that can block AND catch
I think that there's enough blame to go around, but why blame for a near loss? The penalties and the turnovers were particularly atrociousm but...
I'm happy that we won, yes. If you are not, I suggest you go root for another team that lives up to your expectations. I'm satisfied that we won...