goodness you are a moron yes or no question genius did i not admit my mistake that same day? and AGAIN, you lie about the falklands thing...
lies like you never said the demos would win the election? amazing how not ONE person on either board has ever said ou were right hey we...
and as usual, you prove yourself the coward
Trask quit the bball team? odd that they allowed him to play saturday then
dallas i wonder if the resident coward will show i can bring that ref test if you want
as a saints fan, please take him our secondary is freaking terrible
how is it stupid mr wonderful the hair rule was not a brady rule, the players voted on that johnson deserted his team because he was selfish....
maybe you should read more from the SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE "The weapons inspections appeared to run into its first serious problem Monday...
he's probably been off officiating high school football. oh wait, he's not man enough
is he hiding in shame?
"China employs children in OBVIOUS child labor abuse, all of a sudden Sapling and the other hypocritical elephant men are silent. Anyway, what a...
not so bright? LSUMJ- 2 degrees (1 masters) from LSU Tom- 1 degree (maybe) from la tech you havent worn out the h-y-p-o-c-r-i-t-e keys yet?...
LOL asses kicked big time? we lost what? 3 ? and whats that balance of gov's now? and exactly what does the number of govenors do with regards...
so sad 1. EVERY post you made for MONTHS dealt with how the demos would rule the house come midterm elections- to deny otherwise is just...
yes i know you are proud you didnt lose a state with a demo incumbent congrats is it so hard to admit everything youve based your hopes on for...
im a coward? how? i have an email for everyone to see, i respond to every question asked of me i dont back down from any challenges or call...
exactly how is a minority of governors being demos a victory for you? will you sack up and admit your failures in predictions? jeb, harris, the...
you're pathetic how many seats did you think the demos would have gained even in the best case? the same amount we picked up, and what amajority...
BS ive been calling tom that for 2 years now because he is the biggest coward ive ever had the pleasure not to meet ps you're an idiot....
lol tis better to keep quiet and have people think you are a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt its not a matter of saying. "i...