wiat, havent you said from day 1 that north korea is not a terrorist nation?
i never said i was glad to see you leave the alley. your rambling nonsense and outright lies gave many of us lots of entertainment during slow...
are you STILL mentioning the fox thing? god what flaming idiot you are. for about the 100th time, did i not admit that day that i was wrong?...
and by the way tom, i check this site about once a day. i know that for you, reading may take hours, esp. when big words are involved. luckily...
so tom are you denying the velcro shoes? since you are the single "man" in his late 30's, with lets face it, no prospect for ever seeing a naked...
cmon mr. b come on out to the game since you are such a big fan. i'll even bring that ref test you have ducked for a year. i was going to bring...
arent you on LBJ hwy? eplanetshop.com? since you are suck a "big" lsu fan why arent you going to the game? see you tomorrow you are just a...
"having CEOs and other BOD members pay themselves whatever they want and cook the books so that they can make their stock options worth more, etc"...
what in the world does it matter about being an elected official or not? was she not in charge of the health care overhaul? if she is working on...
oh right, we are republcian so we all listen to rush and send money to those religious freaks why should the death tax exist? that money has...
oh the economy that was so powerful it was officially a recession 1 month after the inaguratiuon? and NAFTA? its done wonders for the LA economy....
i hate them with an undying passion i only reserve for ole piss, bama and the toolame with their P.O.S. stadium with 2 exits, the gay cult of...
and governors effect federal policy how?
it convinced daschle
incumbents rather
wow, so the 3 incublents didnt lose in those states? impressive too bad he was an influence in the other races, giving control to the GOP
LO ikm getting typing lessons from a guy who cant go 2 lines without putting something in caps? you want to lecture me on the shift key? i...
tommy girl, your hero daschle said Lott's apology is just fine "One Democrat, outgoing Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota,...
its freaking hilarous how sad you have become youve gone from saying the demos would win the mid terms to putting your hopes behind a man who...
sigh i have serious doubt you ever graduated from college. do you know what a yes or no question means? amazing how of 100 posters on the...