i listed many sources where i found no such article. a google search of that firm comes up with nothing.
"according to you, no one should ever attack the US even though the US backed regimes and countries ...." well duh are you in favor of...
my head is actually hurting from dealing with your stupidity why does me making those examples somehow turn into an RU486 proof of life not...
"but have never had the GUTS or BALLS to be remotely close to the front line, much less even serve in the military" what does it matter to you?...
The bottom line is you are trying to change the subject from "if my posts are so bad and full of nonsense" why are you STUPID enough to respond to...
you're claim on how it was spelled was based on a tv graphic. you even insisted when WE SHOWED YOU HIS OFFICIAL HOMEPAGE that you were right...
"You lost because you could not come up with a reason for opposing RU-486." how exaclty? i stated i feel life begins at conception. the post i...
so you must not have adegree (by your owon logic) since you cant spell "doscier", "trafficant" etc right so are you saying i never posted...
1. what did you disprove? i feel life begins at conception. 2. a. wrong, the first time it was pointed out io admitted it, though you posts...
uh no im not registered with the dmn since i dont see why they feel the need to know my personal info just to read an article surely such an...
JD what makes clinton not a hypocrite about it?
tom genuis yes or no did i not admit my mistake that day? will you also admit you are the biggest (Tuwho edited) in dallas for refusing to...
what about the babies body? the one that has a heartbeat, moves on its own, takes nourishment, breathes and has brain activity? oh wait, they...
1. please answer this techster, if i would have said that why would i BEG you to pay the 32 bucks to stay? its a simple question for you simple...
as of 7:30 pm on saturday, there is no such story on ww.ap.org, nbcnews.com. nytimes.com, nola.com, or cnn.com
so under rangels plan, what would have happened to clinton? luckily, as you said, "serving in the military is not an accomplishment"
and btw, you said exactly that, that north korea was not a terrorist nation you lying homo
maybe the dumbest thing youve ever posted ", if the North Koreans don't want their government to continue, I'm sure they can change that...
you do realize that when you make statements addressing Pres. Bush directly, that he is in all probablity not reading this board right? heres a...
"And once again, I have better things to do that to meant some retarded jerk" lol like watching charmed and scamming the elderly? was that...