My fiancé and I have one of those celebrity pick agreement things. Mine is Lolo and hers is Andrew Lincoln from The Walking Dead. Tell all you...
You could pull a Cosby. :eek:
I'm going to get that. My fiancé will understand.
More like fired because he refused to try and do anything to catch up.
There's no possible way. Doesn't matter, she could be a 5 dick a day kind of girl and i'd still tongue punch that fart box. Girl is fine as wine.
Actually I didn't, I responded to you before I looked at page 4. :cool: I figured you were trying to bait somebody tho.
Other than your original post and score prediction, there have been 9others posted. Bling old man.
Freak'n gram'er nat'sees.
Stats do not lie. Per a link in another thread, only 5 teams in the Country have a higher percentage of blue chip talent on their rosters than...
Unless the team just rolls over there is absolutely no way SELA beats even LSU's 2nd team.
With all do respect. When a team has the level of talent across the roster that LSU does, a reasonable expectation is for that team to be...
Just think of it like this Tap. No one is above or bigger than the program. You're not rooting for O to succeed, you're rooting for LSU to...
I was just busting your balls. I don't think he's necessarily a bad coach but I don't see how he has much time left to get things turned around in...
Neither does Miles.
He has a NFC Championship ring.
31-6. Slow methodical ass whooping the first half, 2nd and 3rd teams the entire second half.
I would tongue punch her fart box. :p
Unless SELA scores in garbage time against the 3's, I don't see them breaking 6 pts (2 FG's).
I'm just the lucky bastard people confess shit to.
That's not how he told it.