then you're the exception, not the rule, and you damn well are smart enough to know it. you're spinning like fox news.
no doubt
Mine went up $25 a month. Biggest increase was in 2008 when it jumped $117 a month. Damn Obama. Oh wait..................
Sharon Angle and her second amendment solution, for one. Sharron Angle Defends Inflammatory Rhetoric In Face Of Criticism
yeah, krysan and landry both have been taking pot shots at miles all year. they'd fit right in on ESPN
If everyone outside of the LSU bubble don't think much of him, then why are we worried about him being hired away? And the time missmanagement...
I've been listening to Chris Landry all year, and he's knowledgeable, but he has a massive woody for Miles, hasn't had anything good to say about...
So do I, and Miles has said it distracted OK St when he was in line at LSU. So I think if he isn't at least kicking the idea around, he'd put...
That's the thing our republican supporting friends here refuse to acknowledge. You ain't gonna balance the budget unless you do some...
I hope you don't have anyone depending on their social security check to live on. And when we get hit by a terrorist attack, good luck expaining...
Now there's a bunch of facts to back up your position. Let's not give the govt more money. I'll ask again, and please give specifics. What...
So what spending do you want to cut? Raise the age of Social Security and cut payments? Like I said before, an accountant or a office worker can...
First off, the original tea party was because of taxation without representation, not high taxes. I'm not hostile, but I constantly read on...
So, how do you propose cutting the debt then, Kemosabe? Exactly, because the devil's in the details. If it were simple or relatively painless,...
The gap between the rich and the middle class has widened, and some here keep carrying their water. And they think we're the misguided ones.:dis:
Bullxhit. They did squalled about the debt. A LOT. And Social Security. So now, it's ok to add to the debt, as long as it takes care of the well...
Jeez dude, do you walk around with a black cloud over your head and the taste of gun oil in your mouth??:yelwink2:
How many NC's do you claim for bama, Kemosabe? Because you are any bama fan dissing any other team's claim to a a championship with some of the BS...
They know that crap is never over before the 2:30 game. Ususally, when it's LSU they'll move the game to another channel, but it just doesn't...
I don't even think it was a compliment