She should try game-winning free throws at Duke. Were the sweepers all shook up too? Canadian curling fans leave Danish player in tears -...
"Mommy's allright, daddy's allright, they just seem a little weird.........."
This was a great win, and very fun to watch. I had the surround sound way up, could hear the puck hitting the sticks, the crowd, the smashing...
My older brother moved out and took all his albums with him. I gathered some coin and bought: [IMG]
You gotta have a tude! That's right that's right.......we bad..... [IMG]
Thanks Kyle. :thumb: I had it as an attachment, added it as an image (I thought) and removed the attachment. Since I could see it, I thought it...
Potato Chips for a quick snack on the airplane . . . $4 Aisle seat in 1st class from Miami to New Orleans . . . $899 Falling asleep...
Each team gets at least one possession like this. TeamA receives ball, moves down and settles for field goal. TeamA kicks off to TeamB. It is now...
Great videos John. I love the flyover videos. Here's a great one! [media] |lombardi|Saintslogo|lombardi|
Um, I wouldn't count on that.
Check out picture #8! | Photos | Photos: Saints return home — Baton Rouge, LA
Payback's a mf.... [IMG]
BR Parkview Baptist student Calob Leindecker wins the 2009 High School Rudy Award. Read his story below. Congratulations to Brian and Calob, two...
How I saw this one: [ATTACH]
This x 1 million. LSU wins are for me and Tiger fans. But I'm a casual Saints fan, I want them to win but it doesn't hurt if they don't. I'm SO...
I absolutely heard it! Loved it, very deserving comment to a class guy, Drew frickin Brees.
I don't wanna go to sleep cause I might wake up and it was a dream.
I can't help but admit I got the tears going. Great game, and the Saints earned the championship!
Nope, other than maybe he's good friends with Gabe. They didn't really say, although Ott asked him about not being in his hometown for the Saints...
I lmao when Ott asked Gabe "who you pickin to win?". There was a short pause, then Gabe says very sarcastically, "c'mon mannnnnnn". That was funny.