ob·ses·sion əbˈseSHən/ noun noun: obsession the state of being obsessed with someone or something. "she cared for him with a devotion bordering on...
Don't know why not unless Jeaux gets hurt.
That, too.
Because I would rather him start against a lesser quality opponent. Don't throw the kid to the wolves right off. Play against Southeastern and see...
Semi-aggressive Verdant. Joe Verdant was their coach from '72-'75.
You make a good point. I think this is one of those issues on which we will never definitively know the "right" answer. Play conservative and let...
Doesn't mean you don't have confidence in them. It means you're not going to take a chance on a mistake giving them a cheap touchdown just so you...
Again, Jaimie Howard Auburn... Why would you take a chance to blow the game just so you might score another meaningless touchdown? Miami was not...
Why? With the way the defense was playing, there was little chance Miami would score 30 points in one and a half quarters. Why take the chance of...
Three words.... Jaimie Howard Auburn
DIdn't say I was confused; I said I digress. Big difference. Tigertap can explain it to you.
But, that is exactly what you are saying. You are saying that because he did bad stuff 18 years ago, he is still doing the same bad stiff today...
So, once a drunk, always a drunk?
Sorry, I digress....
And what is the recidivism rate for a DV offender that has not reoffended in 18 years?
Yes it matters. And, if you don't understand that, I think it's scarier than hell....
And, how old are these rap sheets?
I know. But, they keep us in business, so God bless 'em.
First you set your microwave to....
Sure, and that jambalya mix in the box is absolutely as good as home made.