Learn to duck and cover.
I have never held myself out to be an expert in football, and, if I am wrong, please correct me, but I think it is pretty near impossible to win a...
Miles got canned for three or four other reasons a year besides not beating Alabama,
If pulling the rug out from under Kirby Smart and his Georgia Bulldogs in the second half of the 2017 national championship wasn't enough, Alabama...
Georgia is definitely NOT looking unbeatable.
I feel your pain....
Au contraire, Etling was a considerable step up. He wasn't the athlete that Harris was, but he was a much better quarterback in terms of managing...
This is the problem with putting too much emphasis on one game. Its a roller coaster depending on that one game. Here is what I feel confident...
On;y if done in the Christian spirit of trying to help a fellow human being become a better, more spiritual, and content person.
Thank you for your action on this..... If I wanted to be insulted, I'd talk to my wife.... Oooops... just kidding, dear..... sort of..
I don't understand why you are so insistent on playing Brennan against SEC teams to begin. Much greater chance of him making mistakes and losing...
Relax, guys. His son is the HC
Innocent until proven guilty, but my guess is he will be denied bail and has seen his last day outside prison for a long time.
Obviously, we'll know a lot more about them, and Alabama, after Saturday.
I think it is considerably weaker. Texas will not be Miami, MS ST is losing 25 seniors and should not be as strong, and Vanderbilt ain't no...
Trust me.... You do.
We all start with pre conceived notions, prejudices, biases, interests, etc. Its absolutely necessary. We can't know everything bout everything,...
Interesting... A great example of perception not matching reality. A phenomena well known amongst psychological researchers. Has to do with...
Just a question. Were these three receivers set before the play, or are you including a back out of the backfield?
Yes. And, one way to do that is work the hell out of the team with coaches not letting the players get by with anything sloppy. "You thin you're...