i see so then when you said you were lying: you have not been saying that all long. in fact you claim now that you have new information. the...
you are still doing it. its a waste of time.
i see so it so it was a real laptop and wasnt russian disinformation then?
if you dont know how are you ruling out lab leak theory?
i dont care what was on the laptop. i am telling you that it is really bidens laptop and not russian disinfo.
he was impeached for something that wasnt true, and the person who on earth is most qualified to say this is the supposed victim of the blackmail....
nah everyone is fine. its just the internet. you dont need to invent that people are angry. its just a deflection. not sure if i do that, i...
it wasnt? that wasnt a copy of hunter's laptop hard drive?
well if it isnt in the pages here it does mean we didnt say it. but you still said we were making shit up about the laptop. i had to explain...
no you have no.t. for years you said it was russians. you started adding "russians or republicans" on june 21...
how did we learn all that from a laptop that is russian disinformation?
hello friend. watch as i politely answer your question. learn from me. answer questions. of course trump was impeached. i saw it on tv and...
i am also curious @Tiger in NC. what do you believe? do you accept it came from china? i like to keep up with the chinese media to extent i...
i see so what part of the laptop isnt real? the russians installed fake emails and photos on it? is that some other fella getting handjobs and...
i often make the following point: manipulating the elections of other counties is something everyon e does, and has been doing for eternity. it...
no you havent:
see the pattern here? tell someone they are angry, or in this case "enraged" and then accuse them of siding with putin. this is the formula you...
this is what i am trying to tell @Rex for years, but he denies its true and claims i said the opposite. i have literally been saying this over...
you are lying, i made no such assertion and will prove i have said the opposite for years. to be clear what rex is doing is taking something i...
incorrect. there was never any evidence it was russian disinfo.