would it fair to say the walls are closing in this time? i mean you have posted things like this daily since 2016 but this time
those quotes were quotes from biden. he said what i said he said "You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.” transcript:...
you used the quote thing improperly and have my name in there for something shane said. please do not lie and attribute to me things i never said.
how is it a metaphor, you claim to agree with her that the election was stolen, which makes trump not a legit president.
https://therecord.media/russian-interference-had-no-meaningful-effect-on-2016-election-result-study-finds NYU studied it and agrees. mueller...
i dont care about rudy or what he claims are on the laptop. i am asking how the laptop is russian disinfo. its really bidens laptop. you seem...
incorrect, both of us are trying to elect people that we believe benefit us the israelis, who are ostensibly our allies, they do it as well....
there is also evidence of gore and for example, stacey abrams trying to undermine an election. and stacey abrams claims that the georgia system...
i see so you agree with trump that elections are stolen . you just take it is a little further and call for violence while trump asks for peaceful...
also you: i see so it leaves one wondering what "stolen" means.
so when you said violence "could be" justified, you were mistaken? repeat: i aasked "isnt democracy something worth saving? even violently?"...
not everyone can discuss things like an adult.
but in your case thats very lucky of you the vaccines performed even better than promised. but they did what biden said: " President Joe...
i am sorry to hear you lost your ability to be civil.
but to be clear, had hillary and gore called for violence, it would have been justified?
given that those elections were stolen, then we effectively have no democracy. the will of the people is ignored. isnt democracy something worth...
he said "us" not you. i am vaccinated and still got it and presumably spread it
i see, you cant comment, because i backed you into a corner. enjoy this vid of election denying by hillary and democrats:...
i see so the 2000 and 2016 elections were stolen or no?
what does she mean when she says trump didnt win, and the he isnt legitimate? kamala harris says this as well. if the russians hacked the...