Use to like him. Now he sounds like a racist knee grow
It's better not to make the dance if you gonna lose by 40 Auburn
So Kentucky wins another tourney. This is why it's imperative to kick the shit out of them in football whenever given the chance.
Crazy only the Celebrity Death Thread is it's only challenger
Talk of trading Ingram is foolish
I like the competition in the events although we laugh at some of them. I don't know the names of the events but funny shiit. It will be on here...
Come on man it's January! Are the early bowl projections out yet?
Right. Anybody that expects a 1st year coach be it football or basketball and be an instant winner has it all fucked up. I never expected to play...
Nick is a machine. Bill is a machine. Won't be over till they say it's over.
Yes and they have the same qb
Glad cowboys and seahawks are watching the playoffs on tv. Falcons/Pats rematch SB
Saints aint winning this game. Next year they will be all up in it.
Great now go crawl back under that fuckin rock you came from.
Georgia's best option would be start running clock NOW.