ummm there is no way you can define nevis asw a bama player , i grow tired of the miles haters excuse"he did on saban's players" because that...
i believe that by the end of this everyone will shutup about les miles and just want to move forward hes won 80% of his games and he will win 80%...
i can honestly say being an lsu fan and a WV fan that this game should not be a blowout of any kind and that WV has a ton of speed and it is...
man im tired of people dawgin JJ i thought he played a hell of a game i saw him actually looking downfield unlike all of last year not to mention...
yeah great idea lets finds russell shepards worst aspect then put him in a situation where the game depends on it....... kickoffs are ok but for...
in game 1 i saw many good and bad things. I saw JJ take many more downfield risks, i sawshep make plays , i saw peterson returning like a pro , i...
not if he starts out backwards
not if we win by 40....
well seeing as football season starts in a week i think its time we all post our predictions on this season: i say screw the media LSU has a...
[IMG][IMG] mack llyod deep snaper to bobby hill
[IMG] [IMG] casey bath place kicker to willy wonka
ah man funny **** i think we should return the favor
dude i do that same thing all the time only i do it with nike combat jersey and pants with 07 helmet
ive haeard that name before where have i heard it? was he a big recruit 2 years ago?
one armed kicker with a cannon for a leg named "mannon" man/ i can see the headlines already...... and i just know he will eventually be on espn...
every once in a while a freak comes around to a program sometimes ladies and gentlemen we have found our freakshow
anyone know where we can hear this interview for free?
i wish miles could sign a qb that is the real deal periloux- good but a dumb asse JL sucks JJ - decent C garrett gone zl - MLB wtf.......
i don't think there is a better defensive trio than nevis peterson and shepard anywhere