Wonder what the over/under on fan fights are for that game
Let's just through him on the list with jamarcus Russell and Ryan Periloux
That's the thing about tent Johnson I believe he's actually a great coach he simply is not a good recruiter he hasn't had the talent to compete...
Looks like the NFL won't give jarrett lee a shot either smh... Poor guy
That did actually happen if I remember right mett played the entire 2nd half against NW state played very well, maybe if he had stunk it up a...
I also hear we're lookin for new OC Gary crowton topping the short list
So I'm just sayin lsu has more heisman canadates for next year than we've had for a while I think mett RR tm7 all have a legit shot at it but who...
Great season tigers it was fun to watch! Thanks for the memories seniors . Jarrett lee is now one of my all time favorite lsu tigers ever !!! And...
I really think we were relying on his commitment to strengthen this class oh we'll he'll regret that decision com jan 9
It's pretty obvious at this point that mett will be our qb next year but the battle for second qb seems to be very interesting now for next year....
So after looking at the numbers it is a little more than likely lsu will have a perfect bcs average come sunday night. I believe lsu would be the...
Gotta say here I went to the game and the fans were more than hospitable until the game started. I was critized for cheering my team on and they...
Hey guys me n my bro are on our way to the game and we wanna make a sign for the gameday show any ideas for us?
so assuming Jarrett lee gets a chance to start all year long what do you think his numbers will be like? i personally think he has a legitmate...
JL throws 3 ints and struggles throuhout the game Defense plays stout and keeps us in the game After no passing game the all game long les...
I don't think that there has ever been a draft class for LSU that I have been prouder of then this years class. Other than Terrance tolivers one...
I think Jefferson improved alot when he realized he can run last year , and I think he talented enough to get some offense with his legs so I saw...
should be the funnest spring game that weve had for a long time, 3 way QB competition 2- way RB competition national championship aspirations new...
ok so.... i know u should never hope for someone to get hurt.... but..... can aarron rodgers plz!!! just get like 24-hr stomach virus or somthin...
ryan periloux being dimissed from the team