As potheads would say to the church going type, "Everything God made is beautiful so why not embrace it" with a long drawn out mannnnnnnnnn.......
Little side note when people say it's stupid to have the drinking age at 21. The reason for that is your liver is not fully developed to handle...
I hate to break it to you but there aren't many of those type of players on LSU's roster. Take off the glasses and stop thinking LSU is perfect...
Leinart is basically blaming it on the defense. Nice leader...
Vince Young's strides are a first down.
like many have said, this is why I want to see RP.
I feel like LSU just one. I guess I hate USC that much. BTW horrible defensive call from USC. They had to know if everything broke down he is...
VY plays with so much heart. I tip my hat to him
not even close of being a fumble.
Fcuk USC!
no way!
dumb play call, do they run or pass?
miracles happen.
What do you guys think of USC next year?
oh boy.
that hurts....
With zone option you are basically just saying that my atheletes are better than your's
You shouldn't go for two untill you absolutely have to.
I agree, the review is out of control. If they are going to go to a review they need to have it like the NFL. Too many reviews in college.