Problem is his D is regressing further game over game, year over year. Im no huge fan of Denbrock either but at least he/staff were able to...
Youre comparing Sanders to Saban. One has a shitton more cache than the other. Somewhere along the way, you took too many sips of koolaid, baw....
Say you dont know the rules without saying you dont know the rules. Heres hoping your QB gets a similar "good call" in very near future.
K, you let me know when you change your mind. Ill eagerly await you and @LSUDad to make up your mind in year 6 or 7.
Go back and check Darontes D rank for me and then check House's last year and this year. Ill hang up and listen.
Not sure why they arent interviewing Dallas Turner, MVP?
Not sure what youre watching. These guys dont even know fundamental tackling. Again this goes all the way back to last year. ALL ON HIOUSE.
9 men on the play. #milesball
Been a long time coming. BK just likes to let it ride and collect that fat paycheck while.high fivin Woodward.
Oh I know. We end up being the new 8&4 thanks to Woodward. Coincidence, I think not.
Well Nuss bus is leavin station early.
Thankfully they can suck gnome kings cock in the B10 next year.
This. Fact that BK is just picking his nose on sideline and not losin his sheet, Les 2.0
House needs to be left at the airport.
BK is Les 2.0
@TerryP says it ddint impact play.
That was prophetic.