Announcement from UPS to begin Sugar Bowl Ticket Delivery on Tuesday 12/13/03 BATON ROUGE -- The LSU Athletics Ticket...
Since this seems to be a popular question, I just want to keep this near the top.
Are you serious? How about most of the "wealth" in America. Take Bill Gates - he founded Microsoft so has a really low basis in the smajority...
As I tell many of my friends, I PRAY that when I die my kids have to pay $100 million in taxes. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???? So FEW people are...
I've always thought of Serio's as a LOCAL place for people who work downtown. It's also known more for its poboys - not necessarily seafood....
I went to Middendorf's about 3 months ago. I forget what I got )platter maybe - it WASN'T the catfish) but I wasn't impressed. Since then, I've...
A couple of comments on the restaurants submitted - 1) Deanies - Has gone WAY down hill since the late 80's. Not what it used to be. You...
I'm a little confused. You say WE got tickets and yet your sister gets to choose. Is it your SISTER who got the tickets and she just chose to...
If you can make the ride, the BEST place for seafood (IMHO) is Mamie's. It's WAY down Chef Menteur Hwy., by Venetian Isles (right before a...
While "readily transparent", I haven't seen it posted. Nor have I seen a "less biased" journalist state it.
SELF INTEREST. Think about it. In most years, the other BCS bowls are window dressing. The only reason that they get a split of the money is...
While I was a big BOOGER fan (especially upon hearing his nickname for the first time in TS when he was a freshman - my comment was "I bet nobody...
Paraphrasing his QUOTE to me, "I don't have the EXACT numbers in front of me, but I saw them earlier. It's about 58% or 55-58% as I recall."
That gold looks a little too much like UCLA. And, remember, our "shoulder stripe" is called the "UCLA Stripe" because UCLA was apparently the...
O.K., I'll spill the beans. I spoke with Dan Radakovich Wednesday night on the telephone. I got my "numbers" (55-58%) from the Sr. Assoc....
In many ways, Jackson was subtle about it. I remember hearing him in the 80's talking about different programs. He didn't SAY it directly, but...
He's a homer. He likes certain teams and actively pulls for them. He's a HUGE USC fan. He's also a big Michigan. Unfortunately, he's also...
I know that the odds are good (55-58%). But, I'm still a little nervous about the announcement tomorrow.
I wish he would just retire and F*&KING LEAVE. He is the ORIGINAL homer who actively pulled for one team over another. That, and he thought...