At least Reese went out in style. He thanked Texas and Brown for the opportunity. Dinardo went out kick, screaming and CRYING LIKE A PU$$Y....
[IMG] Today, the A.P. had a trophy presentation at USC. My questions are -- Since the inception of the BCS, has the A.P. ever given out...
I saw a few USC fans. I would just ask them, "So where will ya'll be keep your national championship trophy? Oh wait, you don't get a trophy...
Being on the 35 yard line in the LSU section of the Terrace, it was really hard to tell how loud the LSU fans were. I will say this - IT WAS...
In 1978, USC and Alabama each had one loss. But, Alabama's one loss was to USC by double digits. Yet, the "goofy" A.P. writers voted Alabama...
HEY USC -- Might I suggest a place for you to put your National Championship Trophy??? OH WAIT, you don't have a National Championship...
Don't sell yourself short, Kellen. We understand you VERY WELL. In fact, TOO WELL. You're only misunderstood in your own mind.
Re: Sears Sears used to sponsor the BCS Championship game and paid a BUTTLOAD to have its name on the Championship Trophy. I believe Sears...
It's actually the ADT Trophy.
Remember, the first post in this string was THREE WEEKS AGO. You youngsters -- LEARN from this!!!
"I KNOW we just won the National Championship...And here's the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TROPHY to prove it!!!" as he hoist the trophy above his head!!!
Keith Jackson SUCKS! Hey Sourdoughman, look at the bright side - The rest of the Tiger Nation (especially the younger generation) gets to...
Keith Jackson Apologist F*(&K Keith Jackson. I've hated that SOB since the '70's. He SUCKS. He's ALWAYS SUCKED. His little "country...
One more thing, Crawfish - If you gave $400,000 would you really be counting on the LSU allotment for your (or your company's) seats? Wouldn't...
Why not 40? That's what the President-Elect of the TAF got 2 years ago, and, ACCORDING TO SKIP, it was because he made a $100,000 donation to...
Six PRIME seats through the regular TAF Priority Point Rankings ISN'T ENOUGH? And, shouldn't there be a "METHOD" to the distribution, i.e., "A"...
Give "WHAT" guys as much as they want? Who are these tickets going to? Are they still taking their charitable "contribution" deduction despite...
According to the pamphlet sent out to season ticket holders, the TAF was suppose to get "approximately 5,500" tickets to be distributed to TAF...
Jack Dempsey's is toward the end of Poland Ave. in the heart of the Ninth Ward (READ - BAD neighborhood). It's right across the street from the...
I hope that the Lakers do get rid of Kobe next year. Kobe will fade into oblivion. WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO ANFERNEE HARDAWAY??? Rmember when Shaq...