Just finished State of Fear by Michael Crichton. While not his best story line, his commentary on global warming, eco-terrorism, and...
Haven't seen this posted. One of the best articles on these kids that I've read. About how they all grew up together and the role Collis Temple...
First of all, anyone who watches ESPN could have predicted Herbstriet's top 5. Second, who cares!! If LSU plays like we think they are capable,...
Don't lock them up for life, don't change their anatomy. A nice lethal injection would do them just fine. Molestation is one of the few crimes...
Nice article about the tigers. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/si_blogs/ncaa_tourney/2006/
Do you have some data to support that, or a link to an article. I don't know about the maternal hormonal milieu having significant changes with...
Am I the only one who gets a little nervous when the press starts hyping up the Tigers. I'd much rather be a little under the radar.
Just look at our society as a whole. The OVERWHELMING majority are good, honest people. Only a small portion of people are criminals, dishonest...
Niether. They may be borne with certain tendacies like a calm demeanor or short temper, whatever. But whether they turn out good or bad is...
Tigers have 4 of the top 30 Looking at the list, I'm surprised the Arizona anf Fresno State games were left off....
Regardless, I'll still be shocked if the Supreme Court overturns Roe vs Wade
Isn't he also the same guy who tipped over the Port-o-Potty with the Georgia fan in it, and threw urine soaked nerf footballs at some florida fans?
The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell. Very Intersting
SupaFan, you gonna make to Memphis this year for the Ole Miss series?
Inhibiting angiogenesis and tumorigenesis by a synthetic molecule that blocks binding of both VEGF and PDGF to their receptors. Oncogene. 2005...
Hester, MVP of the peach bowl. Did I miss the point were he changed numbers from 18 to 10? I may be wrong, but I could of sworn there was some guy...
So a track star cannot be a great athlete? Again, I was thinking in terms of pure athletic ability. Athletics does go beyond the gridiron and...
It depends on how you define "best athlete." Do you mean best as in most successful, or best as in most pure athletic ability? Although he has...